
Abraham went out of his way to protect his nephew Lot. When their workers didn’t get along he spoke with Lot directly to resolve the problem. When Lot was kidnapped, he was ready to sacrifice his life to save him. And when God was about to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah, Abraham interceded for him so that the righteous could at least be saved in the city. These are three instances where Abraham stood up for his family.

A valuable lesson I want to teach my daughter is the importance of FAMILY. As her parents we will go above and beyond our duty to help her. She needs to be honest, respectful and responsible so that we can defend her if anything happens. If her character is consistent at home, we won’t have to worry about defending her in the world.


Who are some of the people you care about in your life? Are you willing to sacrifice anything for them? If not, have a conversation with God to search your heart and give you the wisdom to make peace with them.
Thank you for your support readers and have a restful good night. God bless you.